Easy Steps to Checking Your Golden Visa Status

Checking UAE Golden Visa Application Status

If you have applied for a UAE Golden Visa, you may be wondering how to check the status of your application. Checking your application status allows you to ensure that your application is being processed and to make any necessary changes or updates. In this blog post, we will provide a simple, step-by-step guide to help you check the status of your UAE Golden Visa application.

Related Article: How to Check Your Eligibility for UAE Golden Visa

The Basics of UAE Golden Visa

The UAE Golden Visa is a type of long-term residency permit. The visa allows holders to live and work in the UAE for a period of up to 10 years, and may also include family members in the visa holder’s application. The Golden Visa is available to individuals who meet certain requirements, such as having a certain level of wealth or owning property in the UAE. The visa is also available to certain categories of professionals, such as doctors and engineers, who can apply for the visa through their employers. Overall, the UAE Golden Visa is a valuable option for individuals who want to live and work in the UAE on a long-term basis.

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How to Check UAE Golden Visa Application Status Online

If you want to know the current status of your UAE Golden Visa application, you can check it online through the ICP website. Here’s how:

  • Go to the ICP website: https://smartservices.icp.gov.ae/echannels/web/client/guest/index.html#/applicationTracking
  • Enter the golden visa request number.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Solve the ReCaptcha and Click on the “Search” button.
how to check golden visa application status on icp website

Your application status will be displayed on the screen.


Checking the status of your UAE Golden Visa application is an important step in the visa process. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily check the status of your application and ensure that it is being processed correctly. Thanks for reading!

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